What Are The Different Varieties Of Mint?

From its invigorating aroma to its delightful flavor, mint is a herb that has been cherished for centuries. With its vibrant green leaves and cooling properties, mint adds a refreshing twist to a wide array of culinary creations and beverages. But to truly savor the essence of this versatile herb, it’s essential to know how to store it properly. In this article, we will explore the different varieties of mint and the best techniques to store it, ensuring its freshness and flavor are preserved for longer use. So, let’s dive into the world of mint and unlock the secrets to keeping it at its best.


15 Varieties of Mint You Can Use for Culinary Purposes


varieties of mint
Photo by Shaun Meintjes


There are several varieties of mint, each with its own distinct characteristics. Here are some of the most common varieties:


1. Peppermint


Peppermint is one of the most widely recognized mint varieties. It has dark green leaves with reddish veins and a strong, minty flavor. Peppermint contains high levels of menthol, which gives it its cooling and refreshing properties. It is often used in teas, candies, and desserts. Peppermint oil is also popular for its therapeutic properties and is used in aromatherapy and natural remedies.


2. Spearmint


Spearmint has bright green, jagged leaves and a slightly milder flavor compared to peppermint. It contains lower levels of menthol but still offers a refreshing taste. Spearmint is commonly used in cooking, beverages, and as a garnish for salads and desserts. It pairs well with fruits, vegetables, and meats, and is a popular choice for making mint juleps.


3. Apple Mint


Apple mint, also known as pineapple mint, has fuzzy, light green leaves with a hint of apple or pineapple fragrance. It has a milder flavor compared to peppermint or spearmint. Apple mint is often used in teas, fruit salads, or as a garnish. Its sweet aroma adds a pleasant touch to beverages and desserts.


4. Chocolate Mint


Chocolate mint has dark green leaves with a distinct chocolatey aroma. This variety combines the classic mint flavor with a hint of chocolate, creating a unique taste sensation. Chocolate mint is often used in baking, desserts, or to flavor hot chocolate or coffee. It can also be infused into creams, syrups, or ice cream for a delightful treat.


5. Orange Mint


Orange mint has light green leaves with a citrusy aroma reminiscent of oranges. It offers a refreshing and tangy flavor profile. Orange mint is commonly used in beverages, cocktails, or as a flavoring for fruit salads and desserts. Its bright, citrus scent makes it a popular choice for adding a burst of freshness to summer drinks and dishes.


6. Lemon MintΒ 


Lemon mint, also known as lemon balm or lemon bee balm, has light green leaves with a distinctly lemony scent. It is known for its calming and soothing properties, often used in herbal teas and infusions. Lemon mint can also be used as a garnish for salads, added to cocktails, or used in desserts. Its citrusy flavor adds a zesty twist to various culinary creations.


7. Corsican Mint


Corsican mint is a low-growing variety with tiny, rounded leaves and a strong, minty fragrance. It is often used as a ground cover or in rock gardens due to its compact growth habit. Corsican mint is not commonly used in cooking or culinary applications due to its small size, but its aromatic presence adds a delightful touch to outdoor spaces. When stepped on, the leaves release a powerful minty scent.


8. Pineapple Mint


Pineapple mint, as the name suggests, has a flavor and fragrance reminiscent of pineapples. It features green leaves with creamy-white variegation. Pineapple mint is often used in teas, fruit salads, and beverages. It can also be used as a decorative herb in gardens, thanks to its attractive foliage.


9. Ginger Mint


Ginger mint is a hybrid variety that combines the flavors of mint and ginger. It has green leaves with a hint of red and offers a spicy, warm, and slightly sweet taste. Ginger mint is commonly used in teas, cocktails, and Asian-inspired dishes. Its unique flavor profile adds a touch of warmth and complexity to culinary creations.


10. Basil Mint


Basil mint is a cross between mint and basil, resulting in a herb with a delightful fusion of flavors. It has broad, green leaves with a distinct basil aroma and minty undertones. Basil mint is commonly used in Mediterranean and Italian cuisine, where its fresh and aromatic properties enhance salads, pasta dishes, and sauces.


11. Water Mint


Water mint is a species of mint that typically grows in damp or aquatic environments, such as marshes or the edges of ponds and streams. It has dark green leaves and a refreshing minty flavor. Water mint is often used in herbal remedies, as well as in teas and infusions. It can be blended with other herbs to create soothing herbal preparations.


12. Vietnamese Mint


Vietnamese mint, also known as Vietnamese coriander or laksa leaf, is a herb commonly used in Southeast Asian cuisine, particularly in Vietnamese, Thai, and Malaysian dishes. It has long, pointed leaves with a unique flavor that combines mint, cilantro, and a hint of spice. Vietnamese mint is an essential ingredient in dishes like pho, spring rolls, and salads, adding a fresh and aromatic element.


13. Pennyroyal


Pennyroyal is a member of the mint family known for its small, rounded leaves and strong menthol fragrance. It has a pungent flavor and is primarily used in herbal remedies and insect repellents. However, it is important to note that pennyroyal should be used with caution, as high doses can be toxic.


14. Lavender Mint


Lavender mint is a hybrid variety that combines the flavors and aromas of mint and lavender. It has green leaves with a purple hue and offers a soothing and floral taste. Lavender mint is often used in teas, herbal infusions, and as a garnish for desserts. Its delicate flavor adds a touch of elegance to culinary creations.


15. Mojito Mint


Mojito mint, also known as Cuban mint or yerba buena, is a variety specifically used to make the famous Mojito cocktail. It has large, serrated leaves and a robust, minty flavor. Mojito mint is also used in other beverages, such as mint juleps and iced teas. Its aromatic qualities make it a favorite choice for refreshing summer drinks.


Culinary Uses of Mint


varieties of mint


🟩 Mint Sauce


Mint sauce is a classic accompaniment to lamb dishes. It is made by chopping fresh mint leaves and mixing them with vinegar, sugar, and sometimes a pinch of salt. The sauce adds a zesty and cooling element to the rich flavor of lamb. It can also be served with roasted vegetables or used as a marinade for grilled meats.


🟩 Mint Tea


Mint leaves can be steeped in hot water to make a soothing and aromatic mint tea. It can be enjoyed on its own or combined with other herbs or teas for added flavor. Mint tea is known for its calming properties and is often consumed to aid digestion or relieve symptoms of colds and respiratory issues.


🟩 Mint Julep


The mint julep is a popular cocktail that originated in the southern United States, particularly associated with the Kentucky Derby. It typically consists of bourbon, mint leaves, sugar, and crushed ice. The combination of the mint’s refreshing taste and the warmth of the bourbon makes it a refreshing and invigorating drink, especially during the hot summer months.


🟩 Mint Ice Cream


Mint is a common flavoring in ice cream and other frozen desserts. Mint ice cream is often made by infusing fresh mint leaves into the cream mixture or by using the mint extract for a strong mint flavor. It is a popular choice for those who enjoy a cool, refreshing treat with a hint of herbal freshness. Mint chocolate chip ice cream, with its combination of mint-flavored ice cream and chocolate chips, is a beloved classic.


🟩 Mint Pesto


While basil is traditionally used in pesto, mint can be a delicious alternative. Mint pesto is made by blending fresh mint leaves with garlic, nuts (such as pine nuts or almonds), Parmesan cheese, olive oil, and a squeeze of lemon juice. It can be used as a sauce for pasta, spread on sandwiches, or used as a marinade for grilled meats. The mint adds a unique and vibrant twist to the traditional pesto flavor.


🟩 Mint Chutney


In Indian cuisine, mint chutney is a popular condiment that accompanies many dishes. It is made by blending mint leaves with green chilies, garlic, ginger, lemon juice, and spices such as cumin and coriander. This bright green chutney adds a burst of fresh flavor and a hint of heat to meals. It pairs exceptionally well with dishes like samosas, pakoras, and grilled meats, or can be used as a dipping sauce for snacks.


🟩 Mint Salad


Fresh mint leaves can be used to enhance the flavor of salads. They add a bright and aromatic element to fruit salads, green salads, or grain salads. Mint pairs particularly well with citrus fruits, watermelon, cucumber, and feta cheese. You can tear the mint leaves and toss them into the salad for a refreshing and flavorful twist.


🟩 Mint-infused Water


Mint leaves can be added to water to create a refreshing and flavorful beverage. Simply add a few leaves to a pitcher of water and let it infuse for a while. The result is subtly mint-flavored water that’s perfect for staying hydrated and enjoying the cooling properties of mint. You can also add other ingredients like cucumber slices, lemon wedges, or berries to create a more infused water experience.


🟩 Mint Yogurt Dip


Mint can be combined with yogurt to create a refreshing dip or sauce. Simply chop fresh mint leaves and mix them into plain yogurt along with a squeeze of lemon juice, a pinch of salt, and optional spices like cumin or paprika. This dip pairs well with grilled meats, and falafel, or can be served alongside vegetable sticks as a healthy snack option.


🟩 Mint Lemonade


Mint lemonade is a delightful and thirst-quenching beverage, particularly popular during hot summer days. It can be made by combining freshly squeezed lemon juice, water, sugar, or honey, and a handful of fresh mint leaves. The mint adds a refreshing twist to the classic lemonade, making it a favorite among both adults and children.


🟩 Mint Garnish


Mint leaves are often used as a decorative garnish in various dishes and beverages. Their bright green color and distinctive aroma make them visually appealing and add a finishing touch to plates. Mint leaves can be used to garnish cocktails, desserts, fruit platters, and even savory dishes like curries or rice dishes. They not only enhance the presentation but also provide a pleasant burst of flavor when eaten.


🟩 Mint Marinades


Mint-based marinades can add a delightful flavor to grilled meats and vegetables. You can combine mint leaves with other ingredients like garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, and spices to create a flavorful marinade. Mint complements various types of meat, including lamb, chicken, and fish, as well as vegetables like zucchini or eggplant. Let the ingredients marinate for a few hours to infuse the flavors before cooking.


🟩 Mint Syrup


Mint syrup can be made by simmering fresh mint leaves with water and sugar until the liquid reduces and thickens. This syrup can be used to sweeten and flavor a variety of dishes and beverages. It can be drizzled over desserts, added to cocktails, or even used to sweeten iced tea or lemonade.


🟩 Mint Soups


Mint can be used in refreshing cold soups, particularly during the summer months. One popular example is chilled cucumber and mint soup. It involves blending cucumbers, mint leaves, yogurt, garlic, and lemon juice together, then chilling the mixture before serving. The result is a light and refreshing soup that’s perfect for hot weather.


🟩 Mint Rice


You can use mint leaves to flavor rice dishes, adding an aromatic element to the grains. To make mint rice, you can either cook the rice with a handful of mint leaves or stir in chopped mint leaves after the rice is cooked. It pairs well with various main dishes, especially those with Mediterranean or Middle Eastern flavors.


Proper Storage of Mint for Longer Use


To store mint leaves properly for longer use, start by washing the leaves gently under cold water and patting them dry. Trim the ends of the mint stems by about half an inch to expose fresh ends. Next, fill a glass or jar with about an inch of water and place the trimmed mint stems in the glass, ensuring that only the stems are submerged while the leaves remain above. Loosely cover the leaves with a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect. Change the water every few days. Store the glass in the refrigerator away from strong-smelling foods, and the mint can stay fresh for up to a week.Β 


Alternatively, for longer storage, remove the mint leaves from the stems, wash and dry them thoroughly, then spread them in a single layer on a baking sheet and freeze until solid. Transfer the frozen leaves to an airtight container or freezer bag, remove excess air, label them with the date, and store them in the freezer. Frozen mint can retain its flavor for several months. Although the leaves may darken slightly, they will still be suitable for cooking and making infused drinks.Β 


By following these steps, you can enjoy the freshness and flavor of mint for an extended period.


Final Words


In conclusion, mint is not only a refreshing herb but also a versatile ingredient that adds a burst of flavor to various dishes and beverages. Whether you’re using it in salads, desserts, or as a garnish for cocktails, proper storage is key to maintaining its freshness. By following the steps mentioned above, you can keep your mint leaves vibrant and flavorful for longer periods. So, next time you come across a bunch of fresh mints, remember these tips to make the most out of this delightful herb. Enjoy the invigorating taste of mint in your culinary creations and elevate your dishes with their unique and aromatic essence. Happy cooking and savoring the wonders of mint!


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