What Are the Best Herbs to Grow Indoors

What are the best herbs to grow indoors? Everything you need is a bright window to start growing your fantasy kitchen garden. Certainly, many of your favorite herbs, such as parsley, basil, and thyme, can grow inside with the correct care. Keep the harvest season running all winter by adding fresh-picked leaves to your favorite soups, vegetables, roasts, and other dishes.

Furthermore, get the lowdown on how to create, care for, and use an indoor herb garden. As well as what are the best herbs to grow indoors. You can skip the wedding and go straight to harvesting with the correct quantity of water and sunshine.

Herbs You Can Grow Year-Round Indoors

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is a herb that they have used for centuries. For the most excellent flavor, plant lemon balm herbs for one year. Plant it inside your home in the fall. Let it develop through the winter. And then, put it outdoors in the spring and summer seasons.


You may find chives practically anyplace. This harvest is one-third of the bunch at a time, starting at the base (as if cutting grass).

Culinary Applications

Chives should utilize as soon as possible so that you can enjoy their crunchy feel. Certainly, they’re delicious in soups, soft cheeses, omelets. And, of course, its like a baked potato topping.

Varieties for Indoor Use

Garden Chives can be grown indoors of any type. Two standard selections are garlic chives and onion chives.


Growing mint inside the home is the best choice for most of you. Mint contains is to prevent spreading throughout the garden and yard. All kinds can be grown indoors.

Culinary Applications

Meanwhile mint is a fantastic addition to beverages such as tea or hot chocolate. In addition, it’s also good in desserts. And it’s most known for lamb with mint sauce.

Varieties for Indoor Use

The most prevalent application of spearmint is in the kitchen. It has a fresh minty taste to it. Peppermint and Chocolate Mint are two other indoor herbs that can use.


If you want to start parsley with seed, soak it in warm water for an hour before sowing to soften the seed coat it.

Culinary Applications

Parsley is a favorite herb in practically all forms of cuisine because of its clean, fresh flavor. In most recipes, parsley leaves utilize. The stems can also be saved and used to flavor stocks.

Varieties for Indoor Use

The best parsley is flat-leaf parsley, which is use in most recipes. Curly parsley, used as a garnish or salads, should also be planted. The flavor is still pleasant, though it is milder than the flat-leaf variety. Both can be grown, but the flat-leaf parsley should be in a larger pot.


Basil varieties with smaller globes are best for indoor growth. Many more significant types are too big and take up too much space. Basil is a vital herb in many cuisines throughout the world, and it pairs well with tomatoes. It’s also simple to produce indoors. 

Pinch individual leaves and toss them into salads, sandwiches, and sauces. You can make your pesto at home. Plant seeds or purchase young plants from a nursery and place them in organic potting soil. Give basil a southern or western window, or use a grow lamp to love heat and bright light.

In the winter, stay away from calm, drafty areas. Basil is not a houseplant that can keep for a long time. You should save and utilize it for several weeks or until the stems get woody. Plant a new set of seeds every few weeks to ensure a consistent supply.

Culinary Applications

Basil is well-known for its involvement in the traditional pesto sauce. It goes well with tomato-based recipes, as well as vegetables and cheeses.

Basil Varieties for Indoor Use

Greek Miniature Basil is a beautiful cultivar to grow indoors. It is a small mounding cultivar that will only reach a height of 6 inches. It can be used similarly to Sweet Basil in the same recipes. Another dwarf basil cultivar with a good flavor that grows to about 10 inches tall is Spicy Globe Basil.

The larger basil cultivars are easy to grow in an indoor herb garden. You don’t have to worry about it taking over your house because it won’t reach its full height indoors unless you have a large pot and additional light sources. Pesto makes with sweet Genovese basil. Another popular option is lemon basil.

Start basil from seeds in pots and set them in a south-facing window; basil prefers plenty of sun, warmth, and water, so keep the soil moist but not soaked. Pinch the plant’s tops periodically to promote fuller development.

You can use basil in pasta sauces and pizza, salads, ratatouille, and other dishes. Any leftover leaves should be pureed with a bit of water, then poured into an ice cube tray and frozen for later use in sauces, soups, and pesto.


Differentiate the dill from the dill seeds used in pickling, sometimes described as Dillweed. Dill has tiny fans of soft feathery leaves that branch out.

Culinary Applications

Dill is a good match for mustard and creamy sauces. Fresh leaves could use in soft cheeses, sauces, salads, or on fish or potatoes with a bit of lemon and butter.

Varieties for Indoor Use

Fern Leaf Dill is a miniature plant that only grows to 18 inches tall, making it an ideal indoor herb type.

Indoor Dill Growing Instructions

Dill can grow in full sun or moderate shade. So it’s a good choice for a window in the south or southwest. Dill is easy to cultivate from seed and thrives in the home. You can find dill seeds in a variety of stores.

Plant dill seedlings in little bunches in a larger pot if starting from seed — three seedlings fit nicely in an 8-inch wide pot. It produces a beautiful complete indoor plant with many harvestable. When your dill has five genuine leaves. You can begin harvesting it.


Oregano is an excellent indoor herb to grow. It has a bushy habit with grayish-green oval-shaped leaves that are slightly hairy.

Culinary Applications

Oregano is a popular culinary herb found in both Italian and Greek dishes. Hence, It goes nicely with lemon and garlic meals as well as tomato-based foods.

Varieties for Indoor Use

Greek oregano is a petite cultivar that grows 8-12 inches tall and is suitable for culinary usage.

Indoor Oregano Growing Instructions

Oregano thrives in direct sunlight, so place it in a southern window for maximum growth and flavor. Oregano is a biennial that needs to renew every two years. You can plant oregano from seed or from starting plants; starter plants are, of course, much faster!


Rosemary has a rich, warm flavor with evergreen undertones. It’s a scented herb that makes a great addition to any culinary herb garden. You shouldn’t use too much or another. More delicate herbs will be overwhelmed.

Take outside rosemary cuttings just at the end of the summer to cultivate indoors over the winter. Start with a four-inch branch tip cutting, stripping the lower foliage, and planting it in potting soil. Protect with plastic to keep it moist as it roots.

Culinary Applications

When roasting, rosemary is a fantastic herb to use. It works well with both veggies and meats. Most recipes call for finely chopped leaves. But you can use the whole sprigs to contribute flavor during cooking and remove them shortly before serving.

Varieties for Indoor Use

Rosemary Blue Boy is a small cultivar that grows nicely indoors. It only grows to be 24 inches tall and has a pleasant flavor.


The Salvia family includes sage. Salvia comes in hundreds of varieties for the aesthetic garden, but only a few utilizes in cooking.

Purchase a beginner plant or start with cuttings from an existing plant. Simply cut the growing tips off a plant and place them in a pot filled with suitable potting soil. It will root if you keep the cutting moist in a few weeks.

Culinary Applications

Brown butter sauce is one of the most traditional uses for sage. It also goes well with fatty meats and game and cheeses, stuffing, and slices of bread.

Varieties for Indoor Use

Indoors, Dwarf Garden Sage (Sage Officinalis Minimum) is good. It has a tight growth habit and will grow to a height of about 10 inches.

Indoor Sage Growing Instructions

Sage prefers bright, direct sunlight, thriving in a south-facing window. Sage is another perennial that needs to be renewed every few years due to its limited lifespan.

Bay Laurel

This Mediterranean shrub’s thick, aromatic leaves are indispensable in soups and stews. Individual leaves pick as needed, or a few leaves from bigger plants can be harvested and dried for storage. The most robust flavor comes from the oldest leaves. 

Plant in a bright east- or west-facing window in fast-draining soil. Good airflow aids in the prevention of disease. You should avoid scale insects that look like shields on the leaves and stems. To control outbreaks, have neem oil on hand.

Bay laurels are perennial that thrives when grown in containers. Because it needs full to partial sun, place the pot in an east or west-facing window. If the plant becomes too crowded, thin it out. To stay healthy, Bay requires adequate air circulation. Use bay leaves to flavor soups, stews, and sauces, or use any leftover sprigs to make a fragrant, fresh-smelling wreath.

If left unpruned, this shrub can grow enormous, sometimes known as bay leaf. It works excellent indoors during the winter months but operates best outside during the summer.


Sauces, salsas, and stir-fried foods all benefit from the addition of cilantro. Cilantro is a herb found in the Mediterranean, Asian, and Mexican cuisines.

Varieties for Indoor Use

The majority of cilantro types can be grown indoors. For instance, Calypso cilantro grows around 12-18 inches tall. Another variation to try is Santo. Both are slow to bolt, allowing for a more extended harvest period before seeding.


Thyme can be grown in pots as little as four to six inches in diameter. Simply divide a giant plant that has grown outside or repot it from a nursery plant. It’s easy to propagate from cuttings, just like rosemary and sage.


Lemongrass can be produced from seed, bought as a starter plant, or propagated in water from a grocery shop fresh herb.


Cuttings or division are both easy ways to propagate oregano. At the end of the summer, take a few cuttings and root them in a cup of water. Fresh oregano has a considerably milder flavor than dried oregano. To avoid losing its flavor, use it after the cooking process.

Lime Kaffir

Some other woody plant used for its foliage is the kaffir lime. Give it some time outdoors in the summer, just like bay laurel.

Varieties of Indoor Herb Gardens

What are the best herbs to grow indoor? All herbs on this list will thrive in an indoor herb garden. When shopping in catalogs or garden centers, seek the following keywords or features if you still need additional ideas:

  • Compact and dwarf types are available.
  • Herbs that thrive in partial shade
  • Plants for the cooler months (these generally require less light)

Indoors Herbs: How to Grow Them

As a general guideline, plant your herbs in a location that receives at least six hours of sunlight per day. What are the best herbs to grow indoors and how to grow them. Experts advises turning off all lights and assessing how much natural light is available regularly. There is on a sunny or partially sunny day.

In addition to daylight, all herbs should be grown in well-drained containers. Use a saucer or liner to capture excess water if you’re worried about the drainage holes ruining your tabletop or windowsill. Follow this guide for information on watering and sun exposure.


Chervil is a sensitive annual with a popular flavor in French cuisine, earning it the moniker “French parsley.” You should plant chervil seeds in the spring or late summer. It enjoys partial sunlight but requires 65 to 70 degrees to grow. Chervil, like basil, will grow fuller if the tops are pinched now and again. Soups, fish, vegetables, and poultry all benefit from the leaves. You can also make your herb butter using it.


In the bright sun, this onion-flavored herb thrives in a container. You can bring one inside after the planting season if you already have one in your garden. Replant a clump in a pot you dug up from the herb bed. Take the pot out of the home and place it outside when the leaves have died back. Move the pot to your coldest indoor place (like your basement) for several days in the early winter season. Then, in the brightest window you have, hang it.

Chop the leaves finely and use them in soups, salads, eggs, and baked potatoes. Even the purple blooms can be eaten and used as a garnish.


This Mediterranean herb grows low and spreads like other ground cover plants. Starting with a leaf from an oregano plant in the garden is the most acceptable option. After you’ve planted it, put it in a pot in a south-facing window.

Water oregano sparingly – it doesn’t require more than other herbs, so wait till the soil seems dry to the touch before watering. Trimming your plant regularly will keep it looking healthy and whole.


Rather than buying wilting bunches from the shop, grow your parsley. Start with seeds or harvest a clump from your garden at the end of the season. Parsley prefers full sun but may grow slowly in a window facing east or west.

For cooking, use the flat-leaf species and the curly variety for attractive garnishes on potatoes, rice, fish, lamb, steak, and other dishes.


Begin with a rosemary clipping and keep it moist in a soilless mix till it’s rooted. It thrives in a south-facing location with enough ventilation. Pruning should be done regularly (up to a third of the plant), and any surplus stems should be dried to add flavor to winter stews and soups.

The intense perfume of this plant, which functions as a natural air freshener, will keep your kitchen smelling fresh throughout the cooler months.


To start an indoor sage plant, cut a tip from an outside sage plant. It can survive dry indoor air, but it requires direct sunlight from a south-facing window. You’re rewarded with beautiful silver foliage and a pleasant fragrance.

Sage is used in season chicken, pork, or sausage dishes with your fresh sage, as well as your Celebrations turkey and stuffing.


Growing tarragon indoors requires a dormant time in late autumn or early winter. Cultivate a grown plant from your outdoor area in a pot until the leaves have died back. Bring it inside for a few days in your most relaxed position. Then set it in a south-facing windowsill to get as much sun as possible.

 Apply a liquid fertilizer generously. Before using the leaves in salad dressings, sauces, eggs, or meat, finely chop them. The flavor will be comparable to anise or fennel.


You can either root a tender tip taken from an outside plant or dig up and report the entire plant to start thyme indoors. Thyme prefers full sun but may plant in a windowsill facing east or west. Keep a humid environment and pick sprigs as necessary.

Cut the whole stems of thyme and knot them into bunches to dry them. You should keep growing herbs in a cool, dry location away from the sun. You can have a fresh or dried leaves in roasts, soups, sauces, dressings, and more, or they can be incorporate in honey or vinegar.

Bring your garden indoors with these ten easy-to-grow herbs.

If You’re Only Growing One Thing, Make It Herbs!

Herbs are a good reminder that it doesn’t take much to create a significant – and joyful – difference in daily life. They’re the garden’s dynamos. Use them in cooking, drinks, homemade skincare items, aromatherapy, and pollinator garden components. You’ll never go back once you keep planting and preparing with fresh herbs.

So! What are best herbs to grow indoors? As already stated, if you’re only going to plant one thing, let it be herbs. They will alter the course of your life.

Bring trimmings or divisions indoors to grow on a bright windowsill all year, start a new batch of herbs from seeds or start in small containers.

Plant Propagation Using Cuttings

4 Success Pointers

When cultivating any plant indoors or out, keep a few basic concepts in mind.

  1. Find the brightest window or a place where grow lights may be easily installed, including under current kitchen cupboards. How so much sunlight does your brightest window get daily? Planting herbs require full sun need at least 6 to 8 hours of daylight each day to survive, whereas plants that only accept part sun need 4 to 6 hours per day.
  1. Plant in well-draining containers. It’s fine to utilize a decorative planter with no drainage holes. It will help shield indoor surfaces, but make sure to plant in drainage-friendly containers that will fit inside your selected planter. Water will flow freely, plants will never be flooded, and everybody will be pleased.
  1. Use the highest-quality potting soil you can locate. It’s best to use a natural potting mix for pots rich in organic and peat-free.
  1. Begin with a couple of plants that you frequently use in your cooking. Grow parsley if you feel yourself reaching for it. Grow cilantro if you want to enjoy a pinch of fresh cilantro. Start with 2 to 5 plants to get your system going, and remember that you don’t have to grow all of your food. Consider your indoor herb garden as a way to supplement and inspire your regular cooking.

Take Note

As a starting point, look over the list. These are the herbs that are easy to grow. They may develop in limited locations and under a variety of situations. This guide is intended to help you limit down your plant choices and ensure rapid success and enjoyment.

You can regulate the watering demands of each herb by growing them in separate planters. Many Mediterranean plants, such as rosemary, thyme, and oregano, take advantage of the free soil and careful watering, whereas basil prefers constantly moist soil.

With types that flourish on a sunlit window or under grow lights, you can keep your kitchen stocked with fresh herbs all year. Give each plant its pot for the greatest results, so you can adjust its care about giving it room to flourish.

What Kinds of Herbs Can You Grow?

What are the best herbs to grow indoors? Thyme, oregano, chives, mint, bay laurel, and rosemary are perennial herbs best to cultivate from small plants purchased from a center garden. Small plants pulled up from it might also be used. A lot of herbs can also be grown from cuttings. Mint and basil, for example, are simple to grow in a cup of water. 

For example, Basil, chervil, and cilantro are best cultivated from seed and transplanted throughout the year. Check for pests before purchasing plants (or putting them indoors from the garden). Many herbs have aphids, scale, and spider mites. What should you be looking for? Scales and aphids leave sticky droppings all over the plant. 

On and between the leaves, spider mites spin fine webs. You can temporarily remove these pests with lukewarm, soapy water if you find them, but it’s ideal to start with a plant that is free from pests. Plants should not be overcrowded to avoid difficulties. Make sure there’s enough airflow around each one.

What Are the Best Places to Grow Herbs?

During the short, chilly winter days, windows on the south-face have the strongest light and the greatest daylight hours. Plants from tropical and subtropical regions, such as thyme, rosemary, basil, oregano, and bay laurel, are good for these settings. 

Both windows east and west-facing receive brilliant sunlight for roughly six hours in the morning or afternoon, although east windows are cooler. Mint, parsley, chives, and chervil are good alternatives because they flourish in lower light and like cooler temps.

Under grow lights: All herbs benefit from full-spectrum grow lights. Herb plants should be placed within a foot of the bulbs. Otherwise, you should follow the directions that came with your lights. For bright-light plants, start by leaving the lights on for 12 to 16 hours per day and modify as needed.

Herb Watering: How to Take Care of Your Herbs

Most herbs, particularly those in the Mediterranean region, require loose soil and drains quickly. Soggy soil, particularly in the milder winter months, can be deadly to these herbs, in a mixture of equal parts cactus mix and standard potting soil, plant rosemary, thyme, oregano, and bay laurel. 

Before watering, allow the soil to dry up a little. Other herbs thrive on ordinary potting soil. Maintain wet but not damp soil. Use a fluid houseplant fertilizer once or twice a month to feed your plants.