Best Herbs For Bloating:  Treating Your Gassy Stomach

Are you feeling gassy right now? Then you are in the right place!   Bloating is one of the most common digestive issues because you are feeling full even though you didn’t eat anything. And in this blog, we’ll talk about how to relieve this condition through the use of dried herbal plants!   So without further ado, let’s dive in!  

Common Benefits You Can Get From Herbs

herbs for bloating
Photo credits: Joanna Kosinska

Herbs are common in anyone’s kitchen and they are known to be beneficial in treating or relieving various health conditions. These are used as medicines in medieval times and they are still used now. Herbs are dried plants and this method is for preventing them to spoil fast. And after they are dried, they can be processed to ground form or even powdered texture.

🟩 Powering up your digestion

Herbs are an excellent way to help speed up your digestion. Most dried herbal plants have anti-inflammatory properties, which help improve the digestive system by reducing inflammation in the intestines and stomach. This inflammation can lead to bloating and excess gas in some people. Herbs also aid with proper nutrient absorption, making sure that you get all the vitamins from your food instead of wasting them on unnecessary processes such as digestion.

🟩 Relieving constipation

If you are suffering from constipation, dried herbal plants can be an excellent solution. Herbs that are good for relieving constipation include fennel, dandelion, and marshmallow root. These dried herbal plants work by stimulating the bowels to move more easily and quickly through your system.

There are many different types of dried herbal plants that can help relieve constipation; however, it is important to remember that not all of them will suit you or your needs. In order to determine which particular herb is right for you, consult with your doctor or naturopath first.

🟩 Helping you lose weight

The dried herbal plants in this formula help you lose weight and reduce bloating, they increase your metabolism and protect your liver from toxins. They also boost digestion so that food is digested properly and efficiently.

🟩 Boosting metabolism

Boosting your metabolism is the key to losing weight. When your body uses more calories than it takes in, that’s when you start losing weight. So, dried herbal plants can help boost metabolism by increasing what’s called thermogenesis. This is the process where your body burns calories to produce heat. There are many ways to do this  :  

  • Herbs can help by reducing cravings and hunger
  • Herbs can help by reducing appetite
  • Herbs can help by stimulating digestive secretions

🟩 Protecting the liver

Herbs can be used to help protect the liver. The liver is a vital organ that processes nutrients, produces bile, and detoxifies the body. It can be damaged by alcohol, drugs, toxins, and other chemicals that are not broken down properly. Herbs can help support this important organ in its functions.

For example, Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) contains flavonoids known as silymarin which have been shown to have antioxidant properties that may protect against free radical damage and reduce inflammation within the liver cells.

🟩 Reducing bloating and gas

Many people experience bloating and gas, especially after eating certain foods. This can cause discomfort and make you feel bloated. Herbs help reduce bloating by eliminating excess gas from your digestive system and improving digestion so that food moves through your body faster. When you digest food more efficiently, it is less likely to cause bloating and gas!  

Herbs can also help you feel more energetic because they are rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential for supporting the proper functioning of your body’s systems. If you feel tired or fatigued after meals, dried herbal plants may be able to help change this so that you feel energized instead of lethargic after meals (and throughout the day).

Best Herbs For Bloating

Bloating is a common problem for many people. It can be caused by diet, stress, hormones, or other factors. Bloating can be uncomfortable and sometimes even painful. Fortunately, there are several dried herbal plants that can help relieve bloating and improve digestion.

🟩 Peppermint

Peppermint can be helpful in treating bloating, but it also has other digestive benefits. It is a common ingredient in herbal remedies for indigestion and heartburn, as well as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

It is easy to use peppermint yourself:   just steep a few leaves in hot water for 10 minutes and drink it up!   If you want more of an effect, try eating peppermint candies or making your own tea with fresh plant parts. It is also available as capsules at most health food stores.

🟩 Fennel

Fennel is a good source of fiber and helps to relieve bloating, but it is also packed with vitamin C and potassium. In fact, the seeds are so full of nutrients that some people use them to make tea!   Fennel has a sweet flavor, which is why it is used in many desserts. Like celery, fennel can be tough to eat raw. But with some practice, you’ll learn how to get the most out of this versatile veggie.

🟩 Cinnamon

Cinnamon has many medicinal properties and is an excellent source of fiber. It can help with digestion and nausea, as well as bloating. Inflammation is one of the most common causes of bloating and abdominal pain, so cinnamon’s anti-inflammatory properties are especially helpful here.

🟩 Ginger

Ginger is one of the more versatile dried herbal plants on this list. It can be used in cooking, teas, and tinctures to help with bloating. Ginger has a warming sensation that helps soothe nausea and relieve cramping.

🟩 Chamomile

Chamomile is a common ingredient in herbal teas, and it is also used to treat anxiety and stress. Chamomile can be used to treat digestive problems like bloating as well. To make tea with chamomile, steep one to two teaspoons of dried herb in one cup of hot water for five minutes. This can also be applied topically through a bath or spray bottle.

Things To Consider When Taking Herbs For Bloat

herbs for bloating

Bloat is a common condition that affects many people. It is often caused by eating too fast or drinking too much water after a meal, but it can also be caused by other things like stress or anxiety. Bloating can cause discomfort and even pain in some cases, but luckily there are lots of natural remedies that can help!   Herbal remedies are one way to treat bloating without drugs or surgery. But they’re not always safe or effective. Here are some tips on how to use dried herbal plants safely  :  

🟩 Watch for side effects

It is important to read the label and make sure that the herb you are taking has no harmful interactions with other medications. If you have a history of stomach problems, or if your condition is potentially life-threatening, talk to your doctor before taking dried herbal plants.

It is also important to watch out for side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. These symptoms may be a sign that you are taking too much of an herb; if so, consult with a medical professional for advice on what dosage would be best for you.

🟩 Try different combinations

When taking dried herbal plants for bloat, it is important to keep in mind the possibility of combining them.

You may find that some dried herbal plants work better with others and that some dried herbal plants work better with different conditions. You could also find that some dried herbal plants work better when taken with other foods or drinks, or even at different times of the day.

🟩 Get a prescription for dried herbal plants from a professional

The most important thing you can do is consult with a professional. Herbal medicines can be very effective, but it is important that you take them correctly. That’s why it is important to talk to your doctor and get a prescription for dried herbal plants if they’re right for your situation.

Herbal remedies are safe when taken correctly, but side effects may occur at higher doses or when taken with other medications or food products. Talk to your doctor about any potential risks associated with taking herbal supplements before taking them in conjunction with other treatments.

🟩 Go slow with dried herbal plants

If you are taking dried herbal plants for bloating, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and go slow with your dosage. Some dried herbal plants can be very strong and may cause nausea if taken in large doses. If you start with a small dose (for example, 1 teaspoon) and gradually increase your intake over a period of days or weeks while monitoring yourself closely, this will help you avoid unpleasant side effects while giving your body time to adjust.

If you take dried herbal plants for bloating regularly, remember that it will probably take several weeks before you see results from them. You may need to try different dried herbal plants or combinations of dried herbal plants before finding one that works best for your particular situation

🟩 Try to stay hydrated while taking dried herbal plants

If you are taking dried herbal plants to help with bloating, it can be helpful to stay well-hydrated. Herbs like ginger and peppermint are known for their ability to stop gas and bloating, but they also tend to make you more thirsty than usual.

To avoid dehydration or other issues associated with drinking a lot of water at once, limit how much you drink in one sitting and try not to have more than four cups of water in an hour. Also avoid alcohol, caffeine (in coffee or tea), carbonated drinks like soda or sparkling water, and very hot beverages. They all can increase the amount of fluid your body absorbs from foods and drinks.

Other Ways To Treat Bloating

Bloating is something that most people experience from time to time. It can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, but it is also normal, especially if you are eating a lot of gas-producing foods or not drinking enough water. If you find yourself frequently dealing with bloating, there are some easy ways to treat it, and prevent it in the future!  

🟩 Avoid or limit foods that cause gas.

Some foods naturally produce gas, such as beans and other legumes. Artificial sweeteners can also ferment in your intestines and cause bloating. Dairy products are another notorious source of bloating because they contain lactose, a type of sugar that isn’t easily digested by many people. Garlic and onions also can contribute to bloating because they contain sulfur compounds that give off gases when digested in the intestines. Other foods that may cause gas include alcohol, carbonated drinks, caffeine, chemical preservatives, and additives, and food additives like monosodium glutamate (MSG).

🟩 Drink lots of water.

If you are feeling bloated, it could be a sign that your body is dehydrated. Drinking more water throughout the day can help prevent bloating and keep your digestion functioning smoothly. Remember not to drink too much water at once, however; drinking too quickly can lead to bloating and even vomiting!  

🟩 Eat food slowly and chew well.

Eating slowly and chewing your food well can help you feel full faster. By eating more slowly, you are allowing the digestive juices in your stomach to start breaking down the food and sending it into your intestines. This allows for better digestion and reduces bloating. If you are not used to taking small bites and chewing them well before swallowing, try practicing with smaller amounts of food at first until it becomes easier for you to eat this way consistently.

🟩 Avoid carbonated drinks and artificial sweeteners.

You might think that your favorite carbonated beverage or artificial sweetener is harmless, but it is not. These products can cause bloating by causing your intestines to expel too much gas. This can lead to discomfort, pain, and even bowel problems if you have a sensitive digestive tract.

🟩 Reduce stress.

Stress can be a common cause of bloating. Sometimes, it is unavoidable. The demands of life can be stressful, especially if you are juggling multiple tasks at once or feeling like you don’t have enough time for yourself. However, there are some things that might help reduce stress and improve your overall well-being  :  


Meditation is an excellent way to relax and de-stress, as well as improve your overall mood!   It may not seem like much on its own, but over time it can have huge benefits for your health and well-being.

>>Exercise regularly (but not too intensely).

Exercising releases endorphins which help us feel happier and calmer throughout the day. However, exercise also releases cortisol which increases muscle tension and puts more pressure on our internal organs like our digestive system causing bloating symptoms such as nausea, indigestion, and stomach cramps. So make sure when exercising you stay within reasonable limits so as not to overload these areas too much where they could cause further discomfort than necessary.

Final Words

Bloating or abdominal distension is a common condition that can cause discomfort and embarrassment. While there are many ways to treat bloating, it is important to remember that the best way is through a healthy lifestyle. Hopefully, these tips have helped you release that gas!  

If you want to drink detox tea using herbs, click here to reveal our list of the best herbs!